PUKAYA works with different peruvian artisans and artists not only as a suppliers, but also as friends; learning about their cosmovision and tradition. Additionally for the award of there magnificent work, PUKAYA promises a percentage to the artisan or artist for each product sold.


We invite you to know a little more about them and we are more than welcome to give more information about them trough our CONTACT US page.



Olinda is one of the most famous native Shipibo Konibo community member resident in Lima because of the magnificent technique she developes in Kené.

Shipibo Konibo is one of many native communities in peruvian Amazon, and kené is the way to manifest their cosmovision. It carries fauna and flora patterns as well as the stars, rivers, and community structure.




Julio, better known as Rawa in the Shipibo Konibo community, is a young artist that gets inspired by his culture, his own town in the middle of the peruvian Amazonia and the shamanistic spirit of Ayahausca, creating beautiful patterns and designs in his paints.

With more than 20 years  painting experience, his works has been exposed   in different places like the Peruvian Minister of Culture, The  Culture Office of Lima Mayor, Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, and others.



Juan, better known as El Chino de Andamarca, is a famous peruvian scissor dancer that preserve his culture heritage but also develops and designs the magnificent dresses for other dancers.

Scissor dance is a traditional culture expression from the south central Andes from Perú, and is a mix between religious, naturalistic symbolism, and physical strength.

El Chino, was born in Ayacucho, in Andamarca city, one of the main scissor dance origin places. His work is well know among them and it has been recognize by the Peruvian Minister of Culture, exposing his work in the National Museum.






As Olinda, Karina, is another Shipibo Konibo young woman that creates and preserves her amazing culture through Kené. As many others young woman, she represents the future and the transition of her culture and heritage.

Embroidery and painting is essential in Kené techniques, and Shipibo Konibo women know them well, drawing without models, following their knowledge about the forest and nature.


Filemón, his brother, also assists Rawa in painting their world view. Actually resident in the amazon city of Pucallpa, he continuously travels between his native community Nueva Nazareth and other citties, helping some of the community women to trade their work in other cities.

As many others, Rawa and Filemón, preserve their culture trough modernity with their traditions and paintings.



Antonio, born in Huancavelica, is a peruvian self employee peruvian that transforms the leather in beautiful sophisticated products. With more than thirty years of experience in the leather industry, he has passed through all the process in the production and development of leather in Perú.

His experience in leather and his respect to his country are important at the moment to assemble the traditional elements of PUKAYA and the high quality leather to close the process of production. In the same time PUKAYA is encouraging to develop his own leather brand.